Saturday, August 1, 2009

What can someone do about boils and ingrown hairs?

The area in question is the inner thigh and groin. Any suggestion about how to make them go away or help heal them faster?

What can someone do about boils and ingrown hairs?

If the "boils" in your groin/upper thighs keep coming back, you might be suffering from a disease called Hidradenitis Suppurativa. You can check out for more info.

What can someone do about boils and ingrown hairs?

Leave them alone and don't pick at them. Also you might want to get a doctor to look at them, some ingrown hairs can be infectionous.

What can someone do about boils and ingrown hairs?

If its boils then it staph they have a was u can wash with its at the wal mart pharmacies u have to ask them for it it starts with an h they should no what u talking about. wash once a day and it will dry up boils and keep u from getting them. Now hair bumps are a pain try waxing shaving make hair bumps in that area.

What can someone do about boils and ingrown hairs?

soak in warm water,this will bring it to a head .and than pull it out the hair and than put peroxide on it ,as far as the boils if you can fined this stuff called black s well it is a cream put it on and it will draw it out.check and see what kind of soap you use,.my husband would get them under his arms it was his deodorant.hope this help.the cream is black when it comes out like tooth paste.

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