Saturday, August 1, 2009

What is the best home remedy for ingrown hairs - besides exfoliating :)?

Maybe a cream or powder lotion or something Please help !

What is the best home remedy for ingrown hairs - besides exfoliating :)?

Home remedy for ingrown hair may not be advisable if the condition is acute and infected. Consult with a physician in extreme cases.

If the condition is in a small area or involving just one or two ingrown hairs, tweezing is the preferred method.

For ingrown hairs which are deep, sterilize a pair of needle-nosed tweezers with rubbing alcohol and individually lift each ingrown hair out of its follicle.

You may need assistance from a partner if it is difficult for you to see it. Wipe the area with alcohol afterwards and shave.

Do not use ordinary tweezers to release the hair as there is the risk of taking out a chunk of the skin with it resulting in more skin irritation and damage.

After releasing the ingrown hair, use an aftershave moisturizer to help close the pores and heal the skin.

What is the best home remedy for ingrown hairs - besides exfoliating :)?

Theres this stuff called Skin Tend, you can get it at Sephora and its a liquid that you apply to your legs. Works really well but its a little pricey.

What is the best home remedy for ingrown hairs - besides exfoliating :)?

Neosporin should do the trick take it for a couple days that should make it go away.

What is the best home remedy for ingrown hairs - besides exfoliating :)?

I heard that taking a raw potato and cutting a slice and then taping it to your skin where the ingrown hair is and leaving it on overnight works perfect, although I haven't tried myself.

What is the best home remedy for ingrown hairs - besides exfoliating :)?

Try use a sauna to open the pores, it may help.

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