Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How to get rid of ingrown hairs and boils?

It seems I think I may have one or the other but i need to know how to get rid of them fast or slow? anything that really works please. They are on my upper body on the front. Please help.. They really hurt bad.

How to get rid of ingrown hairs and boils?

YIKES!!! Sorry.

How to get rid of ingrown hairs and boils?

Go to the doctor

How to get rid of ingrown hairs and boils?

Are these boils or big pimples? There is a difference. A boil is caused by a staph infection...and you may have to see a doctor about this. In the meantime, I would recommend you see a dermatologist about it all. Only he can actually verify what is going on with your skin and give you either the medicine or the prescription to heal it. Don't put this off, especially if you have them on your face. Some types of pimples can cause scarring. Best of luck to you.

How to get rid of ingrown hairs and boils?

Try gentle exfoliation with a body scrub, if they are ingrown hairs that should work but might take a while.

Sometimes the ingrown hairs can turn into boils because they are left it could be both...the exfoliation should take away any dead skins cells so the hairs can come to the surface. Hope this helps.

How to get rid of ingrown hairs and boils?

I think you should go to your GP, boils could be many things. Is it a abscess or a boil? Do u know the difference.


How to get rid of ingrown hairs and boils?

did you know an ingrow hair can kill you see the chemist

they may tell you to see your physisian don't want it to become infected

How to get rid of ingrown hairs and boils?

I ABSOLUTELY HATE BOILS!! they hurt! But when i recentley had one, i took my medicine the doctor prescribed me and it burst.. but if you cant get medicine then try my grandma's remedy...(take the skin of an egg...the skin thats under the shell and place it on the boil....leave it there for a couple if hours, it should be ready to bust after that...Make sure you take a shower afterwards or clean yourself up because it is poison!!!And a lot of bacteria!!!

How to get rid of ingrown hairs and boils?

Been there. They suck. Short of going to a doc, you'll have to puncture it with a needle. If it hurts, it's probably a boil, especially if it hurts like the devil if you squeeze it. Sterilize a needle with the flame from a candle or lighter, then swish it in alcohol, and poke carefully. If you see blood or pus, it's most likely a boil. Probe the wound a bit to see if you see a dark hair lurking and have a pair of tweezers ready just in case. If you don't find a hair, try to get out all of the pus by squeezing gently, then cleaning it well with peroxide. The use an antibiotic cream on it and bandage it for about 8 hours. Do the same thing again, and rebandage. It'll take a few days, if it's a boil. If it's an ingrown hair, it should be better a day after you get the hair out.

BTW, don't keep a bandage on it all of the time. It need air to dry out well, but you have to be careful to keep infection down, so alternate until it doesn't hurt or fill with pus anymore. I also squeeze them until pure blood comes out instead of the watery pus, but that's just me. There will be a risk of scarring either way, but that's about all I can tell you to do for yourself. The only other choice is a doc.

Good luck.

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