Thursday, July 30, 2009

How would you get rid of ingrown hairs on your legs?

Gently exfoliate with a loofah or scrub gloves. Follow with a non-greasy lotion to prevent the skin from drying out. If you already have bumps or tend to get bumps that get infected try Tend Skin. It breaks down the dead skin that is clogging the hair follicle and dries up the infection.

How would you get rid of ingrown hairs on your legs?

leave them in

How would you get rid of ingrown hairs on your legs?

According to my waxer, daily exfoliation along with application of Vitamin E lotion, as well as maybe a toner that is formulated to help remove bumps, is the way to go.

How would you get rid of ingrown hairs on your legs?

a don noww

How would you get rid of ingrown hairs on your legs?

Aftershave maybe? This seals the skin after shaving, removing easy paths for hairs to find their way back under your skin

How would you get rid of ingrown hairs on your legs?


Get the exfoliating gloves and some exfoliating gell and get going.

How would you get rid of ingrown hairs on your legs?

The best cure is prevention. Exfoliate every time you shower and you should stop getting them. The Body Shop has awesome scrub gloves that you can just squirt shower gel onto and they work really well.

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