Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I have a bunch of ingrown hairs on my legs?

i tried scrubbing before shaving and not shaving but just scrubbing and they're still there. what will work?

I have a bunch of ingrown hairs on my legs?

If they are just ingrown hairs and not cysts or boils you just need to keep your legs DRY and CLEAN. You might want to look up info on Folliculitis, I have it and it's not fun, it keeps recurring and shaving doesn't help. Use the soap Hibiclens (it's in a small blue bottle, almost looks like peroxide) and wash your legs every day with it. It keeps bacteria out and hopefully your legs will clear up, if not you might have an infection and need antibiotics but try the soap first. Good Luck!

I have a bunch of ingrown hairs on my legs?


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