Saturday, July 25, 2009

HELP!! ingrown hairs?

I have a very low tolerance for pain... so waxing anything but my bikini-area and eyebrows are completely out of the question... any home remedies? if not, any suggestion EXCEPT waxing would be totally appreciated. thanks so much

HELP!! ingrown hairs?

use an after shave lotion... and if you get an ingrown hair soak it with hot compresses, it'll raise it to the top, and eventually pop

HELP!! ingrown hairs?

pluck them out

HELP!! ingrown hairs?

I use nair and dont get the ingrown hair.

HELP!! ingrown hairs?

Shave with KY Gel.............Yes KY, it will make your skin very smooth. But if you apply a oil or lotion to your skin after you shave. KY is good for men also.....check Adam and Eve for a shave cream. But I found that a shave gel works best.

HELP!! ingrown hairs?

A review of the various hair removal methods is available at

HELP!! ingrown hairs?

There are many good treatments for ingrown hairs, razor rash and all post hair removal irritations. These include Tend Skin, Priva Shave, Kalo IHT and Ingrow Go.

For the bikini are I would recommend Priva Shave as it is more of a gel like solution as it not a thin liquid like the other treatments.

There are also sharp pointed tweezers designed specially for ingrown hair removal.

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