Monday, July 27, 2009

How do i prevent ingrown hairs on my bikini line??

Use a shower puff and exfoliate and then moisturise afterwards.

You could try waxing/sugaring, using depilatory creams (Sensitive ones only) or epilating to get rid of the hairs. These methods have been known to cause less ingrown hairs but no method is fool proof.

How do i prevent ingrown hairs on my bikini line??


How do i prevent ingrown hairs on my bikini line??

dont shave

How do i prevent ingrown hairs on my bikini line??

try getting it waxed.

How do i prevent ingrown hairs on my bikini line??

send me a picture and i will explain what you need to do. One with your bikini on, one with your bikini off.

How do i prevent ingrown hairs on my bikini line??

waxing is so much better than shaving. but don't try kits at home..they dont work as well.

How do i prevent ingrown hairs on my bikini line??

exfoliate twice a week. stick to just one method of hair removal only!

How do i prevent ingrown hairs on my bikini line??

Do like the rest of us Europeans do.

Be natural and grow your hair. The more woman that do this will show that it's okay to be natural without stigma.

And without ingrown hairs around the bikini line. Ouch!

How do i prevent ingrown hairs on my bikini line??

use skin doctors 'ingrow go' but I use germoline everyday and it's very good

How do i prevent ingrown hairs on my bikini line??

kill yourself.

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